Thursday, June 17, 2010

Particle Decay is a Random Phenomena: Prelude

Before we begin, a small exercise:

The probability for a pion to decay in 26ns is .
Q: We make a pion. What is the probability that it decays during the next 26ns?
A: .
Q: We make a pion. It lives for 26ns. What is the probability that it decays during the next 26ns?
A: .
Q: We find a pion sitting on the sidewalk. What is the probability that it decays during the next 26ns?
A: .

Often people get confused when thinking about particle decay. The reason for the confusion is that particles decay randomly and humans inherently do not understand randomness. Further confounding the problem is the human desire to treat everything else like a human. To this extent we say particles have a lifetime, which implies the particle has an age. But in fact the probability that a particle would have decayed in the previous second is the exact same as the probability that it will decay in the next second. The pion could be 1 million years old and the probability of it decaying in the next 26ns is still . However that is one unlikely pion to still be "alive".
Mathematically speaking: ; is the number of pions, and is the decay rate of pions.

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