Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Welcome to our Physics topic review blog!  Jonathan, Stache and I created this blog to be a centralized and easy to access place to collect summaries of review materials.  As a Physics student, whether preparing to write a thesis or not, periodic review of our field is crucial.  As we read through papers and textbooks keeping good notes strengthens the understanding and reinforces memory.  We decided a common place to share our review notes would be an excellent resource for others in the group.

Thus, our goal is to provide regular updates on our Physics readings, here shared for our fellow graduate students as a motivation for review and further learning in our field for ourselves and others.  We hope more graduate students will join us and share their review summaries.  No area of Physics will be too simple or too complicated; the simplest of topics is still useful to recall and obtuse posts will challenge and lead to deeper reading.  The comments could be an excellent place for others to correct or ask questions.

For contributors:  
We'd like this blog to provide interesting and easy to digest snippets for those following the RSS feed.  To this end, we'll try to keep these entries short; just a handful of paragraphs should be enough to inform and jog the memory.  Links and cites to your source are crucial to allow these little bite sized entries to lead to deeper reading for those interested.

To keep things well organized, tags or "labels" as they are called in blogger, are key.  Required tags for each post should be your last name, and the general subject area; more specific keys are encouraged at your discretion.

This handy LaTeX equation maker will no doubt be useful to you all in your posts:

It should be self explanatory, and it is easy enough to get the original LaTeX back out (mouse over).

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Keep it to Physics, please.